Draw a hut under a tree.

which is subject and predicate


This is a command. The subject is "understood" (read the webpage) and not written, so all of the written sentence is the predicate.

Which is the subject in the sentence draw a tree under a


In that hut lived an old woman subject or predicate

In the sentence "Draw a hut under a tree," the subject is "you" (referring to the person being addressed) and the predicate is "draw a hut under a tree."

To identify the subject and predicate in a sentence, it helps to understand their roles:
- The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action in the sentence or about which something is stated.
- The predicate, on the other hand, is the part of the sentence that provides information about the subject, including the action it performs or the state it is in.

In this sentence, "you" is the subject because it refers to the person being addressed (the one who is asked to draw). The predicate is "draw a hut under a tree," which contains the verb "draw" (the action) and provides additional information about what is being drawn and where (the hut under a tree).

Now that we've analyzed the subject and predicate, you can proceed to draw a hut under a tree!