When we are asked "What's the function of the paragraph of the reading text"

How shall we answer it

Is the paragraph the introduction? Or is it the conclusion? Or does it serve to point out and explain a fact or idea that proves the thesis statement true?

What does the paragraph do in the text?

The question is

Explain the function of the first four paragraphs of the reading text

The name of the text is The Machine Could Save Your Life by Malcolm Mcconnell

To answer the question "What's the function of the paragraph in the reading text," you need to consider the overall purpose and structure of the reading text. Here's how you can answer it:

1. Read the entire reading text: Start by reading the entire text to get a clear understanding of its topic and main ideas. This will help you analyze the function of each paragraph within the context of the entire text.

2. Analyze the structure: Pay attention to how the text is organized and structured. Notice if there is an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Identify the main ideas or arguments presented in each paragraph.

3. Identify the paragraph in question: Determine which specific paragraph the question is referring to. It may be helpful to make notes or highlight important details as you read.

4. Examine the content: Now, carefully read the paragraph in question and understand its content. Look for any key ideas, evidence, or examples presented in that paragraph.

5. Consider the function: To identify the function of the paragraph, ask yourself what purpose it serves within the overall text. Is it providing background information, introducing a new concept, presenting evidence, or summarizing key points? The function of a paragraph can vary depending on the nature of the text.

6. Provide an answer: Based on your analysis, explain the function of the paragraph in question. Your answer should align with the content and purpose you identified. You can use phrases like "The function of this paragraph is to..." or "This paragraph serves to..." to clearly express the paragraph's role in the text.

Remember, providing evidence or examples from the paragraph itself can strengthen your answer and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the text.