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Julio uses a scale of 1/ 8 inch � 1 foot when he paints landscapes. In one
painting, a giant sequoia tree is 34.375 inches tall. How tall is the real tree?

Damon answered this for you. Why did you post it again?

To find the height of the real tree, we need to convert the given height on the scale to the actual height.

The scale provided states that 1/8 inch on the scale represents 1 foot in real life.

Let's set up a ratio to solve for the real tree height.

Scale height / Scale representation of 1 foot = Actual height / 1 foot

Since the scale height is 34.375 inches, we can rewrite this as:

34.375 inches / (1/8) inch = Actual height / 1 foot

To simplify, we divide the inches:

34.375 / (1/8) = Actual height / 1

Now, let's calculate the result:

34.375 / (1/8) = Actual height

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal:

34.375 * (8/1) = Actual height

Now, perform the multiplication:

= 275 inches

Therefore, the real tree height is 275 inches.