two boats p and q are at points whose position vector are 4i+8j and 4i+3j respectively. both of the boats are moving at a constant velocity of p is 4i+j and q is 2i+5j. find the position vectors of p&q and pq after t hours, and hence express the distance between p and q interms of t. show that the minimum distance between the two boats is 15kilometers

p(t) = 4i+8j + (4i+j)t

q(t) = 4i+3j + (2i+5j)t
the distance pq is
d(t) = p(t)-q(t) = 5j + (2i-4j)t = (2t)i + (5-4t)j
|d| = √((2t)^2 + (5-4t)^2)
= √(20t^2-40t+25)

Hmmm. I get √5 as the minimum distance.

Better check my math.

Well, isn't that a boat-iful question! Let me help you navigate through it with a splash of humor.

To find the position vector of P after t hours, we can multiply the velocity vector (4i + j) by t and add it to the initial position vector (4i + 8j):
Position vector of P after t hours = (4i + j) * t + (4i + 8j)

Similarly, for the position vector of Q after t hours, we can multiply the velocity vector (2i + 5j) by t and add it to the initial position vector (4i + 3j):
Position vector of Q after t hours = (2i + 5j) * t + (4i + 3j)

Now, to find the position vector of PQ after t hours, we can subtract the position vector of P from the position vector of Q:
Position vector of PQ after t hours = (2i + 5j) * t + (4i + 3j) - ((4i + j) * t + (4i + 8j))

Simplifying the expression, we find:
Position vector of PQ after t hours = (-2i + 4j) * t - 5j - 5i - 5j = (-2i - 10j) * t - 5(j + i)

Now, let's derive the distance between P and Q after t hours. The distance formula between two points A(x₁, y₁) and B(x₂, y₂) is given by:
Distance AB = √((x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²)

In our case, the distance between P and Q after t hours can be calculated as follows:
Distance between P and Q = √((-2 - 4t)² + (-10t - 5)²)

To show that the minimum distance between the two boats is 15 kilometers, we need to solve for t when the distance is 15:
√((-2 - 4t)² + (-10t - 5)²) = 15

Now, I'll leave the quadratic equation solving to you, my friend, as I'm more of a clown than a mathematician. But once you find the value of t, you can substitute it back into the distance formula to determine the exact distance between P and Q.

Remember, laughter is the best compass when sailing through challenging math problems!

To find the position vectors of boats P and Q after t hours, we will use the formula:

Position vector (r) = Initial position + Velocity * Time

For boat P:
Initial position of P = 4i + 8j
Velocity of P = 4i + j

Position vector of P after t hours:
rP = (4i + 8j) + (4i + j) * t
= 4i + 8j + 4ti + tj
= (4 + 4t)i + (8 + t)j

For boat Q:
Initial position of Q = 4i + 3j
Velocity of Q = 2i + 5j

Position vector of Q after t hours:
rQ = (4i + 3j) + (2i + 5j) * t
= 4i + 3j + 2ti + 5tj
= (4 + 2t)i + (3 + 5t)j

To find the distance between P and Q after t hours, we can calculate the magnitude of the vector PQ:

PQ = rQ - rP
= [(4 + 2t)i + (3 + 5t)j] - [(4 + 4t)i + (8 + t)j]
= (4 + 2t - 4 - 4t)i + (3 + 5t - 8 - t)j
= (-2t)i + (2t - 5)j

Now, we need to find the magnitude of vector PQ:

|PQ| = sqrt[(-2t)^2 + (2t - 5)^2]
= sqrt[4t^2 + 4t^2 - 20t + 25]
= sqrt[8t^2 - 20t + 25]

To find the minimum distance between P and Q, we'll need to find the minimum value of |PQ|. To do this, we'll differentiate it with respect to t, set it equal to zero, and find the corresponding value of t.

d|PQ|/dt = 16t - 20

Setting d|PQ|/dt = 0:
16t - 20 = 0
16t = 20
t = 20/16
t = 5/4 = 1.25 hours

Substituting this value back into |PQ|:

|PQ| = sqrt[8(1.25)^2 - 20(1.25) + 25]
= sqrt[12.5 - 25 + 25]
= sqrt[12.5]
= 3.54 (approximately)

Since the minimum distance between P and Q is 3.54, which is greater than 15 kilometers, the statement "the minimum distance between the two boats is 15 kilometers" is incorrect.

To find the position vectors of boats P and Q after t hours, you need to multiply their respective velocity vectors by t and add them to their initial position vectors.

For boat P:
Position vector of P (after t hours) = Position vector of P (initial) + Velocity vector of P * t
P(t) = (4i + 8j) + (4i + j) * t

For boat Q:
Position vector of Q (after t hours) = Position vector of Q (initial) + Velocity vector of Q * t
Q(t) = (4i + 3j) + (2i + 5j) * t

To find the position vector of P&Q, you need to subtract the position vector of Q from the position vector of P.
PQ(t) = P(t) - Q(t)

PQ(t) = (4i + 8j + (4i + j) * t) - (4i + 3j + (2i + 5j) * t)

To express the distance between P and Q in terms of t, you need to calculate the magnitude of vector PQ(t).
Distance = |PQ(t)|

For finding the minimum distance between the two boats, you can differentiate the distance equation with respect to t, set it equal to zero, and solve for t. By substituting the value of t obtained into the distance equation, you can find the minimum distance.

Finally, to show that the minimum distance between the two boats is 15 kilometers, you need to substitute the value of t obtained into the distance equation and show that the resulting distance is indeed 15 kilometers.