What career would I do nd which course will I do at University?

See your school counselor for specific help.

What career path should i follow

Determining your ideal career and university course requires thoughtful consideration of your interests, skills, and aspirations. While I cannot predict the exact career or course that suits you best, I can guide you on how to explore your options and make an informed decision.

1. Reflect on your interests and passions: Consider the subjects, activities, or causes that genuinely interest and motivate you. Think about what you enjoy doing in your free time, as well as the problems or issues you are passionate about addressing.

2. Assess your skills and strengths: Evaluate your natural abilities, skills, and strengths. Consider both your academic skills and the soft skills you possess, such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, or creativity. Identifying your strengths will help you align them with potential career paths.

3. Research different career options: Explore various careers that align with your interests and skills. Look for job descriptions, responsibilities, salary prospects, and required qualifications. Websites like O*NET, career quizzes, and speaking with professionals in fields of interest can provide valuable insights.

4. Seek guidance and advice: Consult career counselors, mentors, or professionals already working in fields that interest you. Their experiences and guidance can offer valuable insights into specific industries or roles.

5. Explore university courses: Once you have a clear understanding of potential career paths, research relevant courses at different universities. Pay attention to the curriculum, course structure, learning outcomes, and prerequisites. Visit university websites, attend virtual information sessions, or reach out to course advisors for more information.

6. Consider internships, part-time jobs, or volunteering: To gain practical experience and insights, consider pursuing internships, part-time jobs, or volunteering opportunities related to your chosen careers. This hands-on experience can help you evaluate your interest and suitability for the field.

7. Keep an open mind: It's important to remain open to different possibilities and be willing to adapt as you gain more knowledge and experience. Sometimes, unexpected opportunities or courses may align perfectly with your interests and strengths.

Remember, choosing a career and university course is a personal decision, and it may take time and exploration to find the best fit. Prioritize self-reflection, research, and experiential learning to make an informed decision that aligns with your passions and goals.