A rug in the shape of a regular quadrilateral has a side length of 20ft what is the perimeter of the rug?


So this girl/ boy posted this question and I'm really sure they were wrong but is my answer right or wrong??

The answer is 80ft. I took the test and used 80 and got 100%.

1. A, C
2. B
3.A, C
Have a great day 🐣
The answers may be be different if you don't live in America.

Also, if you don't know how to do something, I recommend checking out Khan Academy. It's really good 👍 🐣

I’m terrified of math is 100% correct I got 7/7 thank you so much :)

I think your answer is right.


I am so confused. Is it 80 or 5? And how would you even find the answer? I don't remember how to do perimeter...

To find the perimeter of a regular quadrilateral (which is a square) with a side length of 20ft, you need to add up the lengths of all four sides of the square.

Since all sides of a square are equal, the perimeter is found by multiplying the side length by 4.

So the perimeter of the rug is 20ft * 4 = 80ft.

Therefore, your answer of 80ft is correct.