nathan is shipping vases for his pottery studio. Each vase weighs p pounds. Each crate weighs 5 pounds and holds 10 vases .a shipment consists of 15 crates. write an expression for the weight of a crate holding 40 vases

Contradiction here. You originally say each crate "holds 10 vases."

To write an expression for the weight of a crate holding 40 vases, we need to consider the weight of the vases and the weight of the crate itself.

We are given that each vase weighs p pounds. So the weight of 40 vases is 40p pounds.

We are also given that each crate weighs 5 pounds and can hold 10 vases. Since we have 40 vases, we'll have 40/10 = 4 crates.

Now, let's calculate the weight of the crates. Each crate weighs 5 pounds, so the weight of 4 crates is 4 * 5 = 20 pounds.

Adding the weight of the vases (40p) and the weight of the crates (20), the expression for the weight of the crate holding 40 vases is 40p + 20 pounds.