On a map the scale is 1/2 inch: 25 miles. What's the actual distance between two cities that are 3 inches apart? So, for this question I don't even know where to start!!! PLZ HELP ME!!!!!

One way to solve this problem is with a proportion. Let's use decimals: 1/2 inch = 0.5 inches

0.5/25 = 3/x

Cross multiply.

0.5x = 75

Solve for x.

x = 75 / 0.5

x = 150 miles

To find the actual distance between two cities that are 3 inches apart on a map with a scale of 1/2 inch: 25 miles, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the scale of the map.
In this case, the scale is given as 1/2 inch: 25 miles. This means that every 1/2 inch on the map represents 25 miles in real life.

Step 2: Calculate the scale factor.
To find the scale factor, you need to convert the 1/2 inch to a fraction of a mile. Since there are 25 miles represented by 1/2 inch, you can set up a ratio and solve for 1 inch:

1/2 inch = 25 miles
1 inch = (25 miles) / (1/2 inch)
1 inch = 25 miles / (1/2)
1 inch = 25 miles * (2/1)
1 inch = 50 miles

So, the scale factor is 1 inch on the map represents 50 miles in real life.

Step 3: Calculate the actual distance.
Now that you have the scale factor, you can find the actual distance between the two cities. Since the cities are 3 inches apart on the map, you can simply multiply this by the scale factor:

Actual distance = (3 inches) * (50 miles/inch)
Actual distance = 150 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between the two cities is 150 miles.