If 60% of the students is a school are boys and the number of girls is 972, how many boys are there in the school?

60% =boys

boys = 1458




To find the number of boys in the school, we need to determine the total number of students in the school. Let's break down the problem:

- 60% of the students are boys
- The number of girls is 972

Step 1: Finding the percentage of girls
Since the girls represent 100% - 60% of the total students, we can calculate the percentage using 100% - 60% = 40%.

Step 2: Calculate the total number of students
To find the total number of students, we can use the formula:
Total students = (Number of girls) / (Percentage of girls)

Therefore, Total students = 972 / 0.4

Step 3: Calculate the number of boys
Since 60% of the students are boys, we can calculate the number of boys using the formula:
Number of boys = (Percentage of boys) × (Total number of students)

Therefore, Number of boys = 60% × (Total students)

By substituting the values, we get:
Number of boys = 0.6 × (972 / 0.4)

Simplifying further:
Number of boys = 0.6 × (2430)

The final calculation gives us:
Number of boys = 1458

Therefore, there are 1458 boys in the school.

let x = total students

.4x = 972

Find x, then subtract 972 from that.