Given the following functions f(x) and g(x), solve (f + g)(3) and select the correct answer below:

f(x) = 6x + 3

g(x) = x − 7


is it b

yes it is !



To solve (f + g)(3), we need to find the sum of the two functions f(x) and g(x) when x = 3.

First, let's evaluate f(3):

f(x) = 6x + 3
f(3) = 6(3) + 3
f(3) = 18 + 3
f(3) = 21

Now, let's evaluate g(3):

g(x) = x - 7
g(3) = 3 - 7
g(3) = -4

Next, we add f(3) and g(3):

(f + g)(3) = f(3) + g(3)
(f + g)(3) = 21 + (-4)
(f + g)(3) = 17

Therefore, the correct answer is b) 17.

To solve (f + g)(3), you need to find the sum of the functions f(x) and g(x) at x = 3.

To find f(3), substitute x = 3 into the function f(x):
f(3) = 6(3) + 3
f(3) = 18 + 3
f(3) = 21

To find g(3), substitute x = 3 into the function g(x):
g(3) = 3 - 7
g(3) = -4

Now, to find (f + g)(3), simply add the values of f(3) and g(3):
(f + g)(3) = f(3) + g(3)
(f + g)(3) = 21 + (-4)
(f + g)(3) = 17

So, the correct answer is 17. Therefore, your answer is correct.