In which sentence is the meaning of the word oppresses expressed?

A. The poet writes about how the death of loved ones weighs on her.*****
B. She composes several poems about the nature of death.
C. The poet has a rich imagination that shows in her poetry.
D. Though she has few visitors, she is close to her family.

You are right.

To find the sentence that expresses the meaning of the word "oppresses," you need to understand the definition of the word. "Oppresses" means to burden or weigh heavily on someone's mind or spirits.

Now, let's look at each sentence and determine which one expresses this meaning:

A. The sentence says, "The poet writes about how the death of loved ones weighs on her." This sentence directly expresses the meaning of "oppresses." It suggests that the poet feels burdened or weighed down by the death of loved ones. Therefore, sentence A is the one that expresses the meaning of the word "oppresses."