1. what is the momentum of a 20.0 kg scooter traveling at 5.00 m/s?

4.00 kg m/s
20.0 kg m/s
25.0 kg m/s
100 kg m/s

2. Which of the following describes the relationships between friction and inertia?
when there is more friction, there is less inertia
when there is less friction, there is more inertia
when there is more friction, there is more inertia
when there is no friction, there is more inertia.

3. Jellyfish sometimes squeeze in the sides of their bodies. This pushes a stream of water from the back end of their bodies. According the Newtons third law of motion, how will this behavior affect the movement of the jellyfish?
The jellyfish will move forward
The inertia of the jellyfish will increase
The jellyfish will move backward
The jellyfish will stay still

4. Which of the following would have less momentum than a 52 kg cheetah running at 10 m/s
a 71 kg lion running at 10 m/s
a 45 kg zebra running at 13 m/s
a 5,000 kg elephant walking at 1 m/s
a 61 kg zebra running at 8.0 m/s

5.According to newtons third law of motion, if a rolling back collides with a wall and exerts a force of 3 n on that wall, how much force does the wall exert back on the ball?
0 N
3 N
6 N
9 N

6. After an avalanche, a huge block of a stone slid down a mountain and landed in the middle of a road. People in the nearby town had a very difficult time moving it out of the road, The block of stone is difficult to move because.
it has a high amount of momentum
has balanced forces acting on it
it has a high amount of inertia
has unbalanced forces acting on it

What are YOUR answers?

1. To calculate momentum, you use the equation p = mv, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. In this case, the mass of the scooter is given as 20.0 kg and the velocity is 5.00 m/s. Plugging these values into the equation, you get p = (20.0 kg)(5.00 m/s) = 100 kg m/s. Therefore, the correct answer is 100 kg m/s.

2. Friction is the force that opposes motion, while inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. The relationship between friction and inertia is that when there is more friction, there is less inertia. This is because friction acts to counteract the motion of an object, making it more difficult for the object to overcome its inertia.

3. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the case of the jellyfish squeezing its body and pushing a stream of water from the back end, the action is the jellyfish pushing the water, and the reaction is the water pushing back on the jellyfish. This action-reaction pair results in the jellyfish moving forward. Therefore, the correct answer is that the jellyfish will move forward.

4. Momentum is calculated using the equation p = mv, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. To determine which option has less momentum than a 52 kg cheetah running at 10 m/s, you need to calculate the momentum for each option. Let's go through them one by one:

- a 71 kg lion running at 10 m/s: p = (71 kg)(10 m/s) = 710 kg m/s
- a 45 kg zebra running at 13 m/s: p = (45 kg)(13 m/s) = 585 kg m/s
- a 5,000 kg elephant walking at 1 m/s: p = (5,000 kg)(1 m/s) = 5,000 kg m/s
- a 61 kg zebra running at 8.0 m/s: p = (61 kg)(8.0 m/s) = 488 kg m/s

Comparing these values to the momentum of the cheetah (520 kg m/s), the option with less momentum is the 61 kg zebra running at 8.0 m/s (488 kg m/s). Therefore, the correct answer is a 61 kg zebra running at 8.0 m/s.

5. According to Newton's third law of motion, the force exerted by the wall on the ball will be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the force exerted by the ball on the wall. In this case, the ball exerts a force of 3 N on the wall, so the wall will exert a force back on the ball of 3 N. Therefore, the correct answer is 3 N.

6. The difficulty in moving the block of stone after an avalanche is due to its high amount of inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion, and the block of stone, being a large and massive object, has a high amount of inertia. Therefore, it requires a significant amount of force to overcome this inertia and move the stone out of the road. Therefore, the correct answer is that it has a high amount of inertia.