the active ingredient in the alergy medication claritin contain carbon,hydrogen,chloride,nitrogen,and oxygen its molecules formula is C22H23ClN2O2.the standard adult gosage utizies 1.572*10^19 molecules of the spicies determine the mass gosage of the active ingridient in the standard doaage


To determine the mass dosage of the active ingredient in the standard dosage of Claritin, we need to calculate the molar mass of the compound, which is given by the molecular formula C22H23ClN2O2.

To calculate the molar mass, we need to multiply the atomic mass of each element by the number of atoms present in the compound and sum them up:

Carbon (C): 22 atoms x 12.01 g/mol = 264.22 g/mol
Hydrogen (H): 23 atoms x 1.008 g/mol = 23.184 g/mol
Chlorine (Cl): 1 atom x 35.45 g/mol = 35.45 g/mol
Nitrogen (N): 2 atoms x 14.01 g/mol = 28.02 g/mol
Oxygen (O): 2 atoms x 16.00 g/mol = 32.00 g/mol

Now, we can add up the individual molar masses to get the total molar mass of the compound:

Molar mass = 264.22 g/mol + 23.184 g/mol + 35.45 g/mol + 28.02 g/mol + 32.00 g/mol
= 382.876 g/mol

The molar mass of the active ingredient in Claritin is approximately 382.876 g/mol.

Next, we are given the number of molecules in the standard adult dosage, which is 1.572 x 10^19 molecules.

To find the mass dosage, we can use the following conversion:

Mass (g) = (Number of molecules) x (Molar mass) / (Avogadro's number)

Where Avogadro's number is approximately 6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol.

Mass (g) = (1.572 x 10^19 molecules) x (382.876 g/mol) / (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol)

Let's calculate it:

Mass (g) = 2.5 x 10^(-5) grams

Therefore, the mass dosage of the active ingredient in the standard dosage of Claritin is approximately 2.5 x 10^(-5) grams.