The volume of a pyramid with a square base is given by the expression 1/3s square h, where she is the length of a side of the base and h is the height. Find the volume of a pyramid with a square base of side length 24 feet and a height of 30 feet.

To find the volume of a pyramid with a square base, you can use the formula:

Volume = 1/3 * s^2 * h

where s is the length of a side of the base and h is the height.

In this case, the side length of the base (s) is given as 24 feet, and the height (h) is given as 30 feet.

Let's substitute these values into the formula to find the volume:

Volume = 1/3 * (24^2) * 30

First, we square the side length of the base:
24^2 = 24 * 24 = 576

Now, let's substitute this value into the formula:
Volume = 1/3 * 576 * 30

Multiplying 576 and 30 gives us:
Volume = 1/3 * 17,280

To divide by 3, we can multiply by the reciprocal (1/3):
Volume = 17,280 * 1/3

Multiplying 17,280 and 1/3 gives us the final answer:
Volume = 5,760 cubic feet

Therefore, the volume of the pyramid with a square base of side length 24 feet and a height of 30 feet is 5,760 cubic feet.

well, just plug in the numbers!

1/3 * 24^2 * 30 = ?

5,760 feet^3

i went to ur moms house ! <3 hehehehehe