Which goal led Israelis and Palestinians into conflict/

1, a desire for independence and security
2. religious worship at the same temples
3. military dominance in the region
4. political control of the same national government

I could make a good argument for each of these choices.

What does your text say?

conflict often is rooted in economics, and then other guises are found to justify it. Economics includes land.

This is very interesting information if you want to get a long term perspective.



The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is a complex issue involving a combination of historical, political, and social factors. However, if we look at the primary goals that have played a significant role in the conflict, we can consider the following options:

1. Desire for independence and security: This goal is rooted in the aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians to establish their own independent states, ensuring their safety and sovereignty. The Israelis sought to establish a homeland for the Jewish people, particularly after experiencing persecution and the atrocities of the Holocaust. Similarly, Palestinians aimed to create their own state, gaining self-determination, and ending what they see as Israeli occupation.

2. Religious worship at the same temples: While religion has a profound influence on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly with regard to the status of Jerusalem, it is not the primary goal leading to the conflict. Both Israelis (primarily Jewish) and Palestinians (primarily Muslim and Christian) have religious ties to the land, including the significant religious sites in Jerusalem. However, the conflict is more deeply rooted in political and territorial issues rather than a direct clash over religious worship.

3. Military dominance in the region: While military dominance within the region has been a consideration for both sides, it is not the primary goal leading Israelis and Palestinians into conflict. The conflict is mainly driven by political and national aspirations rather than a desire for military domination.

4. Political control of the same national government: The control of the same national government is one of the goals that have fueled the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Both Israelis and Palestinians claim the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea as their rightful homeland, leading to competing political claims and a struggle for control over the territory.

In summary, while several factors contribute to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the desire for independence and security, as well as political control over the same national government, are the most significant goals that have resulted in ongoing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians.