A storm with winds over 120/km/h that can last several weeks is a?

B Hurricane
C Jet Stream
D Thunderstorm

I think its hurricane am i right?

Yes. They are nasty things to be in.

Yes, you are correct. A storm with winds over 120 km/h that can last several weeks is typically a hurricane. Hurricanes are large, powerful storms that form over warm ocean waters and have a well-defined circulation. They can cause significant damage due to strong winds, heavy rainfall, storm surge, and tornadoes.

Yes, you are correct! A storm with winds over 120 km/h that can last several weeks is typically a hurricane. To arrive at this answer, you need to have some knowledge about different types of storms and their characteristics. Here's a breakdown of the options:

A. Tornado: Tornadoes are intense and narrow thunderstorms with rotating winds that form a funnel-shaped cloud. While tornadoes can be destructive, they typically have much shorter durations compared to storms lasting several weeks.

B. Hurricane: A hurricane is a tropical storm characterized by strong winds, heavy rainfall, and a well-defined circulation pattern. Hurricanes typically form over warm ocean waters and can last for several days or even weeks. They are known for their destructive power due to the combination of high wind speeds and heavy rainfall.

C. Jet Stream: The jet stream is a high-speed, narrow air current found in the upper atmosphere. It flows from west to east and can have wind speeds exceeding 100 km/h. While the jet stream can have a significant impact on weather patterns, it does not usually exhibit the long duration or destructive power associated with hurricanes.

D. Thunderstorm: A thunderstorm is a localized weather phenomenon characterized by thunder, lightning, and precipitation. Thunderstorms can produce strong winds, heavy rain, and even tornadoes, but they are typically short-lived and do not last for weeks.

By comparing the descriptions and characteristics of these storms, you can determine that a storm with winds over 120 km/h that can last several weeks is most likely a hurricane.