Mandie's average score on the first 4 tests was 76. On the next 5 tests her average score was 94. What was her average score on all 9 tests?

76 * 4 = 304

94 * 5 = 470

(304 + 470)/9 =

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You're welcome.

To find Mandie's average score on all 9 tests, you need to consider her total score on all 9 tests and divide it by the number of tests.

To begin, let's calculate the total score on the first 4 tests. Mandie's average score on the first 4 tests was 76, so her total score on these tests would be 76 multiplied by 4, which equals 304.

Now, let's calculate the total score on the next 5 tests. Mandie's average score on the next 5 tests was 94, so her total score on these tests would be 94 multiplied by 5, which equals 470.

To find the average score on all 9 tests, we need to add the total score on the first 4 tests (304) and the total score on the next 5 tests (470) to get the overall total score, which is 774.

Finally, we divide this total score (774) by the number of tests (9) to find the average score on all 9 tests.

Average score = Total score ÷ Number of tests
Average score = 774 ÷ 9

Calculating the average score, we find:

Average score = 86

Therefore, Mandie's average score on all 9 tests is 86.