Write an equation that involves multiplication, contains a variable, and has a solution of 5. Then write another equation that has the same solution and

includes the same variable and numbers but use divison.

5 times 1 = 5

5 divided by 1 = 5

I hate this to

thank you

1)x*1 = 5

After putting the solution = 5 or x=5
1) 5*1=5 ( involves multiplication and have solution= 5)
2) 5/5=1 ( involves division and have solution = 5)
I hope it will help you.

20(x-2) = 60

60/(x-2) = 20

I have this same problem for homework

To create an equation that involves multiplication, contains a variable, and has a solution of 5, you can use the following formula:

1. Equation involving multiplication:
Let's say the variable is "x" and the equation should have a solution of 5. You can use the simple equation:
x * 1 = 5

To solve this equation and find the value of "x", you need to divide both sides of the equation by 1:
(x * 1)/1 = 5/1
x = 5

Now, to create a similar equation using division, with the same solution and variable, but different numbers, you can use the previously defined variable "x":

2. Equation involving division:
For this equation, let's say the constant number is 10:
x / 2 = 5

To solve this equation, you need to multiply both sides of the equation by 2:
(x / 2) * 2 = 5 * 2
x = 10

As you can see, both equations have the variable "x", the numbers 1 and 2, and they both have a solution of 5, but one involves multiplication and the other involves division.