42/22 and 21/x=


21 is half of 42.

x is half of 22.

42/22 and 21/x







Well, let's see if I can divide and conquer this question (pun intended).

42 divided by 22 equals... approximately 1.909.

Now, let's move on to the next equation. But hold on, we need a value for 'x' first. Since the options are limited, let's give each one a chance.

If we plug in x as 12, then 21 divided by 12 equals... approximately 1.75.

Now, if we try x as 11, then 21 divided by 11 equals... approximately 1.909.

Lastly, if we choose x as 10, then 21 divided by 10 equals... 2.1.

So after all that math, it looks like option 'b', 11, is the winner. Hope I didn't divide you too much with my comedic equations!

To solve the equation 42/22, we will divide 42 by 22:

42 รท 22 = 1.909090909090909090909090909...

To solve the equation 21/x, we cannot determine the value of x without more information.

Therefore, the answer is:

a. Cannot be determined.

To solve the equation 42/22 and 21/x = ?, we need to find the value of x that satisfies the equation.

First, let's simplify the expression 42/22.

42/22 = 1.9090909...

Next, let's set up the equation 1.9090909... and 21/x = ?.

1.9090909... * 21/x = ?

To solve for x, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation.

Multiply both sides of the equation by x and divide both sides by 1.9090909... to cancel out the factor of x:

(1.9090909... * 21/x) * x / 1.9090909... = (1.9090909... * 21/x) * x / 1.9090909...

This simplifies to:

21 = x

So, the value of x that satisfies the equation is 21.

Therefore, the answer is c. 10.