Which one of the following phrases is grammatically incorrect and doesn't belong?

A. Yo gordo.
B. Yo bebo.
C. Yo cubro.
D. Yo quiero.

i choose B.

ashley thank you :D

B. was wrong and D. but thank you ashley :)

yo gordo is the answer

To identify which one of the following phrases is grammatically incorrect and doesn't belong, we need to understand the usage of the phrases in Spanish.

The phrase "Yo gordo" translates to "I fat" in English. This phrase is grammatically incorrect as it is missing a verb. In Spanish, we need to use a verb to form a complete sentence, so "Yo gordo" is the grammatically incorrect option.

To arrive at this answer, understanding basic Spanish grammar is essential. In this case, knowledge of the verb conjugation and sentence structure is necessary to identify that "Yo gordo" is missing a verb.