Brandon can make 5 loaves of bread with 6 cups of flour . how many loaves of bread can you make with 24 cups of flour?

Let's use a proportion.

5/6 = x/24

Cross multiply and solve for x.

With 6 cups, 5 loaves of bread can be made.

Divide 24 by 6 and you get 4
Multiply 5 by 4 to get the # of loaves for 24 cups
Brandon can make 20 loaves of bread with 24 cups of flour

To find out how many loaves of bread you can make with 24 cups of flour, we need to use a proportion. Let's set up the proportion with the given information:

Brandon can make 5 loaves of bread with 6 cups of flour.

So, the proportion can be written as:

5 loaves / 6 cups = x loaves / 24 cups

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

6 cups * x loaves = 5 loaves * 24 cups

6x = 120

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 6:

6x / 6 = 120 / 6

x = 20

Therefore, you can make 20 loaves of bread with 24 cups of flour.