A body initially at distance given an acceleration of 12/s2 (squared2 ). Find the velocity after it travelled 205.

Q2. A body moving in linear motion start with an initial acceleration after 205 was 12m/s2. What's the velocity at this instance?

Please proof read

initially at rest maybe?

12 what? /s^2
meters, feet ?

205 what? seconds, meters ? feet? miles?

after 205 what again?
12 m/s^2 for how long ?
Is this after the first question using that final for this initial velocity?

The best ani eppudu chepalemu

To find the velocity of a body after it has traveled a certain distance, you need to use the equations of motion. In this case, you have been given the acceleration and the distance, and you need to find the velocity.

The equation that relates acceleration (a), initial velocity (u), final velocity (v), and distance (s) is:

v^2 = u^2 + 2as

In the first question, you are given the initial distance (s) and the acceleration (a). To find the final velocity (v), you need to know the initial velocity (u) as well. Without the initial velocity, it is not possible to determine the final velocity.

In the second question, you are given the acceleration (a) and the distance (s), and you need to find the velocity (v) after that distance. However, the question does not provide information about the initial velocity (u) of the body. Without knowing the initial velocity, it is not possible to determine the final velocity.

In both situations, you need to know the initial velocity of the body in order to calculate the final velocity using the equations of motion.