I still not got the condition plz explain...

Eggs) * (Price) = 240

(Eggs + 2) * (Price - 0.5) = 240

a man sold his stack of eggs for Rs.240.if he had 2 dozen more ,he would have got the same money by selling the whole of 0.5 per dozen cheaper.how many dozen eggs does he sell?

Ok, I do not know what you mean by
" selling the whole of .5 per dozen cheaper".

Hi Aly -

use the solution we found previously

we obtained:

Rs240/D = (Rs240 + 0.5D + 1)/(D + 2)
Now solve for D:

Rs240 = D * (Rs240 + 0.5D + 1)/(D + 2)
So 240 = (240D + 0.5D^2 + D)/(D + 2)
240(D + 2) = (240D + 0.5D^2 + D)
240D + 480 = 240D + 0.5D^2 + D
480 = 0.5D^2 + D
D = 30

Try it:

Originally 30 * 8 = Rs240

Alternately 32 * 7.5 = Rs240

Some advice: You will need to know how to solve q quadratic equations if you are going to be successful with this type of problem.

Sure! Let's break down the conditions and understand how to solve them.

Condition 1: Eggs * Price = 240
This equation means that the product of the number of eggs and the price per egg equals 240. To find the value of each variable, we need to rearrange the equation.

Step 1: Divide both sides of the equation by "Eggs"
This gives us the equation: Price = 240 / Eggs

So, if you know the number of eggs, you can find the price per egg using the formula Price = 240 / Eggs.

Condition 2: (Eggs + 2) * (Price - 0.5) = 240
This equation introduces some changes to the original condition. The number of eggs is increased by 2 (Eggs + 2), and the price per egg is decreased by 0.5 (Price - 0.5). The product of these two values should again equal 240.

To solve for the new values, we can start by expanding the equation:

Step 1: Multiply (Eggs + 2) and (Price - 0.5)
This gives us the equation: Eggs * Price - 0.5 * Eggs + 2 * Price - 1 = 240

Step 2: Combine like terms
In this case, we have two terms with "Eggs": Eggs * Price and -0.5 * Eggs. We also have two terms with "Price": 2 * Price and -1. We can combine these terms:

Eggs * Price - 0.5 * Eggs + 2 * Price - 1 = 240
(Eggs * Price + 2 * Price) - (0.5 * Eggs + 1) = 240
Eggs * Price + 2 * Price - 0.5 * Eggs - 1 = 240

Step 3: Move all terms to one side of the equation
To simplify further, let's rearrange the equation:

Eggs * Price + 2 * Price - 0.5 * Eggs - 1 - 240 = 0
Eggs * Price - 0.5 * Eggs + 2 * Price - 241 = 0

Now, you have the revised equation for the second condition.

To find the values of Eggs and Price, you can use various techniques such as substitution, elimination, or graphing. Plug in different values for one variable and solve for the other.