How to solve this problem 8.3 was added to a certain number. This sum was then divided by 11.2. Finally, the quotient was multiplied by 8. This product came out to 16. Please help I'm in 5th gradethank you..

[ ( 8.3 + x ) / 11.2 ] * 8 ) = 16 Divide both sides by 8

[ ( 8.3 + x ) / 11.2 ] * 8 ) / 8 = 16 / 8

( 8.3 + x ) / 11.2 = 2 Multiply both sides by 11.2

11.2 * ( 8.3 + x ) / 11.2 = 2 * 11.2

8.3 + x = 22.4 Subtract 8.3 to both sides

8.3 + x - 8.3 = 22.4 - 8.3

x = 14.1

[(8.3 + x) / 11.2] * 8 = 16

Multiply both sides by 11.2
8(8.3 + x) = 179.2
66.4 + 8x = 179.2
collect like terms
8x = 179.2 - 66.4
8x = 112.8
Divide both sides by 8
X = 14.1

To solve this problem, we will work backwards from the final result to find the unknown number.

Step 1: Divide the product by 8 to find the quotient:
Divide 16 by 8:
16 ÷ 8 = 2

Step 2: Multiply the quotient by 11.2 to get the result after division:
Multiply 2 by 11.2:
2 × 11.2 = 22.4

Step 3: Subtract 8.3 from the result obtained in step 2 to find the unknown number:
Subtract 8.3 from 22.4:
22.4 - 8.3 = 14.1

Therefore, the unknown number is 14.1.

Explanation of the steps:

Step 1: Since we need to find the quotient after division, we divide the product (16) by the multiplier (8).

Step 2: To reverse the effect of multiplication, we multiply the quotient (2) by the divisor (11.2). This gives us the number after the division operation.

Step 3: To reverse the effect of addition, which was done before the division operation, we subtract the value added (8.3) from the number we obtained in step 2. This gives us the original unknown number.