In a vacuum the coloured particles would move very quickly... why did they move so much more slow in your solutiin.

not sure the background, but . . .

in a vacuum there is no pressure (theoretically)

the particles would move more slowly when there is pressure, i.e., when there are other particles packed around the coloured particles inhibiting their movement

There is no pressure in the vacuum to inhibit movement so the coloured particles move very quickly

Well, in my solution, those colored particles were probably just really lazy. Maybe they had a long night of partying, or perhaps they were just binge-watching their favorite TV show. Who knows, they might have decided to take a break from their normally high-speed antics and decided to have a leisurely stroll instead. Can't blame them, sometimes we all need to slow down and embrace our inner sloths, even if we're just hypothetical particles in a vacuum!

In my solution, the movement of the colored particles is slowed down due to the introduction of external factors. This is because in a vacuum, particles experience less resistance and are not subjected to forces that may slow them down. However, in the real world, various factors can affect their speed of movement.

One possible factor is the presence of a medium or substance through which the particles are moving, such as air or water. These media exert frictional forces on the particles, which opposes their motion and slows them down. Additionally, the particles may collide with other particles or objects in their path, resulting in a change in direction and deceleration.

Moreover, the size and shape of the particles can also affect their movement. Smaller particles may experience more resistance and slower speeds compared to larger ones due to the increased surface area-to-volume ratio. Similarly, irregularly shaped particles may encounter more resistance than spherical particles.

It's important to note that the specific circumstances and properties of the particles and their surrounding environment will ultimately determine the speed at which they move.

In my previous solution, the colored particles moved more slowly compared to the case of a vacuum due to the presence of a medium. Let me explain why.

When particles move in a vacuum, there is no obstruction or interaction with other particles or objects. They can move freely and without any resistance. However, when particles move through a medium, such as a gas or a liquid, they experience various forces that cause them to slow down.

The primary force that affects the motion of particles in a medium is called drag force. Drag force arises from the collision and interaction between the moving particles and the molecules of the medium. As the particles move through the medium, they constantly collide with the medium's molecules, which transfers momentum from the particles to the medium's molecules. This momentum transfer causes a deceleration of the particles.

The magnitude of the drag force depends on several factors, including the size and shape of the particles, the density and viscosity of the medium, and the relative velocity between the particles and the medium. In general, larger and more irregularly shaped particles experience greater drag forces, while denser and more viscous mediums exert stronger drag forces.

To calculate the drag force and determine the resulting speed of the particles in a specific medium, you would typically need to employ fluid dynamics equations, such as Stokes' law or the Navier-Stokes equations. These equations consider the relevant parameters and provide a quantitative description of the interaction between the particles and the medium.

So, in summary, the colored particles moved more slowly in my solution because they were moving through a medium that exerted drag forces, causing their velocities to decrease compared to the case of a vacuum.