10. Many geographers, such as Elder, Knopp, and Nast, refer to theories that explain or inform our understanding of sexuality and space as........

A. queer theory
B. heteronormative theory
C. gender studies
D. spatial theory
E. modernization theory



To determine the correct answer, we can break down the given options and understand the concepts associated with each one.

A. Queer theory: Queer theory aims to challenge traditional views of normalcy and heteronormativity, emphasizing on exploring different sexualities and gender identities.

B. Heteronormative theory: Heteronormative theory refers to the dominant social belief that heterosexual relationships and behaviors are the norm.

C. Gender studies: Gender studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the social, cultural, and political aspects of gender and how it affects individuals and societies.

D. Spatial theory: Spatial theory focuses on the relationship between space and society, exploring how spaces are socially constructed and how they shape human experiences.

E. Modernization theory: Modernization theory is an approach that explains social and cultural changes in traditional societies as a result of industrialization and modernization.

Based on the given options, it seems that "D. spatial theory" is the most relevant in terms of explaining or informing our understanding of sexuality and space. Spatial theory would examine how space and place play a role in shaping and influencing sexual identity, behaviors, and experiences.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. spatial theory.