which ordered pair in the form (x, y) is a solution of this equation?


Possible Answers:
A. (12,2)
B. (3,1)
C. (2,1)
D. (4,1)

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To determine which ordered pair is a solution of the equation (x+6)y=9, we need to substitute the x and y values of each option into the equation and see if it satisfies the equation.

Let's go through each option one by one:

Option A: (12, 2)
Substitute x = 12 and y = 2 into the equation: (12+6)(2) = 18(2) = 36 ≠ 9

Option B: (3, 1)
Substitute x = 3 and y = 1 into the equation: (3+6)(1) = 9(1) = 9, which is equal to 9

Option C: (2, 1)
Substitute x = 2 and y = 1 into the equation: (2+6)(1) = 8(1) = 8 ≠ 9

Option D: (4, 1)
Substitute x = 4 and y = 1 into the equation: (4+6)(1) = 10(1) = 10 ≠ 9

From our calculations, we see that only Option B, (3,1), satisfies the equation. Therefore, the correct answer is Option B.