Find an equivalent function to f(x) = 3(6)^2x.

f(x) = 3(36)^x
f(x) = 182^x
f(x) = 108^x
f(x) = 9^x(36^x)

6^(2x) = (6^2)^x = 36^x

Now it should be clear

so its D?

Not unless you meant to type


the function is 3 times (6)^2x

its a nvm

To find an equivalent function to f(x) = 3(6)^2x, we need to simplify the expression.

First, we can simplify the term (6)^2 by squaring 6:
(6)^2 = 36

Now, we substitute this simplified term back into the original expression:
f(x) = 3(36)^x

This is the simplest form of the function that is equivalent to f(x) = 3(6)^2x.