Extending her arms over the left field wall, the baseball plummeted toward the fan, and she caught it cleanly on the fly before displaying the home run ball for all to see. Which of the following is misplaced in the sentence.

A.Extending her arms over the left field wall.
B.On the fly
C.Toward the fan
D. Before displaying the home run ball for all to see.
I think A is correct



To identify which of the options is misplaced in the sentence, we need to examine the structure and meaning of the sentence.

The sentence describes a baseball being caught by a fan after being hit over the left field wall. Let's analyze each option to determine if it fits logically within the sentence:

A. "Extending her arms over the left field wall" - This phrase accurately describes the fan's actions while trying to catch the baseball, and it fits well in the sentence.

B. "On the fly" - This phrase is an idiom that means the ball was caught in the air before touching the ground. It is commonly used in baseball. As the sentence is describing the process of catching the baseball, the phrase "on the fly" is appropriate and correctly placed.

C. "Toward the fan" - This phrase describes the direction in which the baseball was moving. It clarifies that the ball was coming towards the fan, which is relevant to the action of catching it. Therefore, this phrase is appropriately placed.

D. "Before displaying the home run ball for all to see" - This phrase is essential to the understanding of the sentence as it explains what happened after the fan caught the ball. It indicates that the fan held up the ball to exhibit it to others. This phrase is also correctly placed in the sentence.

Based on the analysis of each option, it seems that none of them are misplaced in the sentence. It appears that all of the options are logically and grammatically correct within the given context. Therefore, the correct answer might not be any of the options provided.