Which number is less than -2 4/5 but greater then -3 1/5

A -3 1/2
B -3 2/3
C - 2 1/2
D -2 7/8

To answer this question, we need to compare the given numbers and find the one that is less than -2 4/5 but greater than -3 1/5.

Let's convert the fractions to a common denominator to make the comparison easier.

-2 4/5 can be converted to -2 4/5 = -14/5
-3 1/5 can be converted to -3 1/5 = -16/5

Now, we need to find a number that is greater than -16/5 and less than -14/5.

Let's convert the options to fractions to make the comparison easier:

A) -3 1/2 = -7/2
B) -3 2/3 = -11/3
C) -2 1/2 = -5/2
D) -2 7/8 = -23/8

Comparing the options, we see that -11/3 (-3 2/3) is the only value that is between -16/5 and -14/5.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) -3 2/3.

see your last post, Ms Impatient.