Which number is less than -2 4/5 but greater then -3 1/5

A -3 1/2
B -3 2/3
C - 2 1/2
D -2 7/8

on these, sometimes it is best to approximate the numbers with decimals.

a) -3.5
d) -2.84 appx
and the winner is....

is it b


3.66 is the largest of the values, but when using negative numbers, larger values are less than smaller ones.

Plot them on the number line. The farther to the left you go, the less the number.

To find the number that is less than -2 4/5 but greater than -3 1/5, we can compare the given fractions.

Start by converting both fractions to the same denominator. The denominator should be the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators of the two fractions, which in this case is 5.

For -2 4/5:
Multiply the whole number (-2) by 5 and add the numerator (4), which gives us -10 + 4 = -6. So, -2 4/5 is equivalent to -6/5.

For -3 1/5:
Multiply the whole number (-3) by 5 and add the numerator (1), which gives us -15 + 1 = -14. So, -3 1/5 is equivalent to -14/5.

Now we can compare the two fractions:
-6/5 < -14/5

Since -6/5 is less than -14/5, we can conclude that the number we are looking for is greater than -2 4/5 and less than -3 1/5.

Out of the given options, the only number that falls within this range is option B: -3 2/3.