How would I change this sentence possessive to long form? Paul rings the church bells at a moment's notice.

To change the possessive form of the sentence to long form, you would need to rewrite it to include the full phrase instead of using the possessive form.

Original sentence: Paul rings the church bells at a moment's notice.

Long form sentence: Paul rings the church bells when he is given notice at any moment.

Explanation on how to change the possessive to long form:

1. Identify the possessive phrase: In the original sentence, the possessive form is "a moment's notice."

2. Determine the full meaning of the possessive phrase: "a moment's notice" implies that someone is given notice at any moment.

3. Replace the possessive phrase with its full meaning: In the long form sentence, we replace "a moment's notice" with "when he is given notice at any moment."

By following these steps, you can transform the possessive form into a long form sentence while maintaining the meaning of the original sentence.