star* by my answers

1. This man became President after the 1928 election and became the "face" of the Great Depression in the United States.

Theodore Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
Herbert Hoover**

2. All of the following are considered causes of the Great Depression EXCEPT

Problems in Agriculture
Uneven distribution of wealth
Easy available credit**
Lack of stock available

3. October 29, 1929 is known in American History as "Fat Tuesday". True* or false

5. All of the following areas were part of the Dust Bowl EXCEPT
New Mexico

6. Refugees that came from the Dust Bowl area were commonly known as
duskies or

7. Hoover believed in which of the following strategies to end the Great Depression?

Volunteerism and localism
Raising taxes and taking over businesses
Creating federal policies for the entire nation**

9. WWI veterans that were seeking the money promised to them by Congress in 1931 were called the

Bonas army**
greatest generation
the red army

I just did -- see your original post.

1. The correct answer is Herbert Hoover. To find the answer, you can research the presidents of the United States and their terms. The 1928 election was won by Herbert Hoover, who then served as the President during the Great Depression.

2. The correct answer is Easy available credit. To find the answer, you can research the causes of the Great Depression. Commonly cited causes include problems in agriculture, uneven distribution of wealth, and lack of stock available. However, easy available credit is not considered a cause of the Great Depression.

3. The statement is false. To verify this, you can research the date October 29, 1929, and its significance in American history. It is actually known as "Black Tuesday," marking the stock market crash that contributed to the start of the Great Depression.

5. The correct answer is Massachusetts. To find the answer, you can research the areas affected by the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl primarily affected parts of the American Midwest, including Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, but not Massachusetts.

6. The correct answer is okies. To find the answer, you can research the term commonly used for refugees who came from the Dust Bowl area. The term "okies" referred to those who migrated from Oklahoma (and other affected regions) to other parts of the country seeking better opportunities.

7. The correct answer is Volunteerism and localism. To find the answer, you can research Herbert Hoover's strategies to end the Great Depression. Hoover believed in the power of voluntary efforts and local initiatives to combat the economic crisis, rather than implementing federal policies for the entire nation.

9. The correct answer is Bonus Army. To find the answer, you can research the events that occurred in 1931 involving World War I veterans seeking promised money. The group of veterans was called the Bonus Army, as they were seeking the bonus payment that had been promised to them by Congress.