1(part A)

Which word in the following sentence is an adverb?
"Teresa smiled brightly as she and her younger brother looked for shiny shells on the sandy beach"

A. smiled
B. brightly***
C. shiny
D. sandy

1(part b) What kind of word does the adverb in the previous question modify?

A. another adverb
B. an adjective***
C. a noun
D. a verb

PLZ HELP ASAP please and thank you!=)


Click on Adverb and read about them. Then let me know what you decide.

1. yes

2. no

really I cant be noun nor verb so another adverb? A?


1 is B
2 is D

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ok thx!

To determine which word in the sentence is an adverb, you can start by identifying the words that modify the verb "smiled." Adverbs often modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs in a sentence.

In the given sentence, the word "brightly" modifies the verb "smiled." This word answers the question of how Teresa smiled. Therefore, the adverb in the sentence is B. brightly.

Moving onto the second part of your question, which asks what kind of word the adverb modifies. In this case, the adverb "brightly" modifies the adjective "shiny." It describes how the shells looked. Thus, the answer is B. an adjective.

To summarize:
1(part A) - The adverb in the sentence is B. brightly.
1(part B) - The adverb modifies an adjective, so the answer is B. an adjective.