I have 54 in the denominator..i am equivalent to 7/9..what fraction am i

7/9 = x/54

Cross multiply and solve for x.


To find the equivalent fraction, let's identify the missing numerator.

Since you are equivalent to 7/9, you need to find the numerator that, when divided by 54, gives you a quotient equal to 7/9.

To calculate the missing numerator, you can set up the following equation:

Numerator / 54 = 7/9

To solve for the missing numerator, cross-multiply:

Numerator * 9 = 7 * 54

Now, we can solve for the numerator:

Numerator = (7 * 54) / 9

Numerator = 378 / 9

Numerator = 42

Therefore, the fraction equivalent to your original fraction is 42/54.