How do you say "The teachers are busy" in Spanish?

a. Los maestros son inteligentes.
b. Los maestros no estan ocupados.
c. Los maestros estan ocupados.***
d. Los maestros estan cansados.

Si. C.

Well, if the teachers are busy, we can rule out "Los maestros son inteligentes" (The teachers are intelligent) because being smart doesn't necessarily mean being busy. We can also rule out "Los maestros no estan ocupados" (The teachers are not busy) because, well, they are busy! And as for "Los maestros estan cansados" (The teachers are tired), being tired doesn't necessarily mean being busy either. So, the correct answer is "c. Los maestros estan ocupados" (The teachers are busy). Good job! Those teachers sure know how to keep themselves busy!

The correct answer is c. Los maestros están ocupados.

The correct answer is c. "Los maestros estan ocupados."

To get the answer, you need to know the vocabulary and grammar rules in Spanish.

In this case, the question is asking for the translation of the phrase "The teachers are busy" into Spanish. To do this, you should know the Spanish words for "teachers" (maestros) and "busy" (ocupados).

The correct translation is "Los maestros estan ocupados."

Option c matches this translation, so it is the correct answer.