1. 3w - 10w

a. 13w
b. -7w ***
c. -7
d. 7w

I think it is B, am I correct?

Here are the REAL ANSWERS :D and also HD is wrong for 2022 :I

#1 -7w

#2 2.2y + 1.2z

#3 2r

#4 7x + 12

#5 18

Use these for better grade accuracy and for 2022 :B also if you want to get more from me just click on my name to access more of my answers :D


To simplify the expression 3w - 10w, you can combine the like terms.

Notice that both terms have the variable w, so you can subtract the coefficients (numbers in front of the variable).

Here's how to simplify the expression step by step:

1. Start with the expression 3w - 10w.
2. Combine the like terms:
3w - 10w = (3 - 10)w
3. Perform the subtraction:
(3 - 10)w = -7w

Therefore, the simplified expression is -7w.

So, your answer of b. -7w is correct. Well done!

