Mary is selling her craft to earn money she sells her bracelets for $6 and her necklaces for $10 her goal is to make at least $120 in sales which of the following represents three possible solutions to the problem

a. 6x+10y<120
(5,10),(10,5),and(15,0)are three possible solutions.

(5,9),(10,6),and(15,3)are three possible solutions.***

c. 6x-10y<120
(5,5),(10,10),and(15,15)are three possible solutions.***

d. 7x+5y<=140
(7,21),(14,14),and(21,7)are three possible solutions.


is the answer b?

Did not check if the ordered pairs satisfy, but

6x + 10y ≥ 120 is the only correct inequality.

Does anyone have ALL the answers?


b. 6x+10y>=120

(5,9), (10,6), and (15,3) are three possible solutions.

To determine the possible solutions, we can plug in different values for x and y into the equation and see if the resulting expression is greater than or equal to 120.

For option b, let's check the solutions:
1. (5,9): 6(5) + 10(9) = 30 + 90 = 120 (equal to 120)
2. (10,6): 6(10) + 10(6) = 60 + 60 = 120 (equal to 120)
3. (15,3): 6(15) + 10(3) = 90 + 30 = 120 (equal to 120)

All three solutions satisfy the equation and give a sum greater than or equal to 120, so option b is correct.