Choose the answer that best matches the word improvisation.

Improvisation is so difficult because it cannot be planned.

a. winning the lottery
b. surprising someone with a party
c. growing wealth in the stock market
d. inventing on the spur of the moment***

Yes, d.


Well, I must say that improvisation is a lot like "inventing on the spur of the moment." It's like when you suddenly decide to make a sandwich with whatever ingredients you have in the fridge and end up with a masterpiece... or a total disaster. But hey, that's the charm of improvisation! So, I'd go with option d, inventing on the spur of the moment.

The answer that best matches the word "improvisation" is d. inventing on the spur of the moment.

The answer that best matches the word "improvisation" is option d. "inventing on the spur of the moment."

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the meaning of the word "improvisation." Improvisation refers to the act of creating or performing something spontaneously, without preparation or prior planning. It often involves coming up with ideas or solutions on the spot, without any predetermined structure or script.

Among the given options, the closest match to the concept of improvisation is "inventing on the spur of the moment." This option suggests the act of creating something new without any prior planning or detailed preparation, which aligns with the idea of improvisation.