Joshua saves $325 every 5 months.How long will it take him to save $845? Explain how you determined your answer.

325/5 = $65 per month

845/65 = ?


845/325 = 2.6

That doesn't make any sense, does it?


Can you please give me a sentences to solve this questions.

So it doesn't mean that 845/325

yes or no

To determine how long it will take Joshua to save $845, we need to divide the total amount he wants to save by the amount he saves every 5 months.

First, calculate the number of 5-month periods it would take to reach $845:
845 / 325 ≈ 2.6

Since we cannot have a fraction of a 5-month period, we round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, it would take Joshua 3 sets of 5 months to save $845.

To calculate the total time in months, multiply the number of sets of 5 months by 5:
3 sets x 5 months = 15 months

So, it will take Joshua approximately 15 months to save $845.