Change the italicized clause to nominative absolute. As the game was over the contestants quietly filed out of the room

The game now being over, the contestants quietly filed out of the room. "

Which is the italicized clause?

The game being over, the contestants quietly filed out of the room.

To change the italicized clause "As the game was over" to a nominative absolute phrase, we need to rephrase it so that it modifies the main subject of the sentence ("the contestants") without using a subordinating conjunction like "as."

Here is one way to change it: "The game being over, the contestants quietly filed out of the room."

To arrive at this change, follow these steps:

1. Identify the main subject of the sentence (in this case, "the contestants").
2. Remove the subordinating conjunction ("as").
3. Replace the verb ("was") with a present participle form ("being").
4. Include a noun or pronoun that is the logical subject of the participle (in this case, "the game").
5. Adjust the sentence structure accordingly to maintain clarity and coherence.

Following these steps, we transformed the original sentence into a nominative absolute form: "The game being over, the contestants quietly filed out of the room."