A lively and inviting scene inside a Spanish-style restaurant during lunchtime. Multiple types of delicious food are spread out on different tables; there should be a nice mix of salads, paella, seafood, tapas and refreshing beverages. In this bustling scene, there's a diverse mix of customers, comprising people of various descents and genders such as a Middle-Eastern woman relishing a dish, an Asian man sampling a local drink, a Hispanic elderly couple sharing a dessert. The light streaming through the windows creates a warm, welcoming environment. Please ensure not to include any text in the image.

Nos gusta _______ el almuerzo en el restaurante


Lesson 1, Unit 10 Answers to Semester Review: Repaso

1. c
2. d
3. d
4. a
5. d
6. c
7. c
8. d
9. c
10. a
If you don't believe me and fail, then I would feel guilty so why would I waste my time typing you these answers if they weren't right? Their all right. I'm serious !

Cheating for connexus? I do it too


Yo the new answers for GACA 2021 for unit 11 lesson 1 semester review repaso are:

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. C

@Carrick Remillard is correct!

Dude I’m just trying to get my GPA up but I be getting stuck I mean super stuck so stuck I can’t finish my sentenc

1. The man singing

2. No me gusta escribir cuentos
3. Estudioso
4. La merienda
5. Ella's ESENAN ingles
6. Nobel Prize for Literature
7. Los estudiantes son impacientes
8. Comer
9. La chica trabajadora
10. La piscina

100% On the test all the answers were right.

Now on to the Semester Assessment

i wish i scrolled all the way down ;-; i got 0%