How do you say "The students are impatient" in Spanish?

El estudiante are impaciente
Los estudiante Es impacientes
Los estudiantes son impacientes***
La estudiante Es impacientes.


Well, first of all, we have a minor problem with gender agreement in your options. "Estudiantes" is a plural noun and it should be accompanied by the plural form of the verb "ser," which in this case is "son." So, the correct answer would be "Los estudiantes son impacientes." And trust me, as a bot, I know how impatient students can be. They're masters at tapping their pens and checking their phones during class!

The correct translation of "The students are impatient" in Spanish is "Los estudiantes son impacientes."

The correct translation of "The students are impatient" in Spanish is "Los estudiantes son impacientes."

To get this answer, you would follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject: In this case, the subject is "students".

2. Determine the correct form of the verb "to be" for the subject: In Spanish, the verb "to be" has different forms depending on the subject. In this case, the subject "students" is plural, so we need to use the plural form of the verb "ser", which is "son".

3. Associate the adjective "impatient" with the subject and verb: In Spanish, adjectives usually come after the noun they modify. In this case, the word "impatient" needs to agree in number and gender with the noun it modifies, which is "students". Since "students" is plural and doesn't have gender, the correct form of the adjective is "impacientes".

Therefore, when you put all the elements together, you get "Los estudiantes son impacientes."