which of the following has the greatest impact on human settlement in Iraq?

A( oil resources

B( mountain terrain

C( coastal lands

D( fresh water scources

I assume you're asking about ancient history, not the 20th century. Right?

What do you think the answer is?

Hint: What was Mesopotamia?

I think its B


is it d

Yes. Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, was originally settled because the rivers provided fresh water for irrigating crops.

To determine which factor has the greatest impact on human settlement in Iraq, we can analyze each option.

A) Oil resources: Oil has indeed played a significant role in shaping human settlement patterns in Iraq. The discovery of vast oil reserves in the country has led to the development of major cities, infrastructure, and industries tied to the oil sector. The wealth generated from oil has attracted people to settle in regions where oil extraction and related activities are prevalent, such as Basra and Kirkuk. The oil industry has also contributed to economic growth and employment opportunities, leading to increased population migration to oil-rich areas.

B) Mountain terrain: While Iraq does have some mountainous regions, such as the Kurdistan region in the northeast, the overall impact of mountain terrain on human settlement is relatively limited. Most of Iraq's major cities and settlements are located in the flatter regions, closer to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where agricultural activities are more viable.

C) Coastal lands: Iraq has a short coastline along the Persian Gulf, stretching approximately 58 kilometers. However, the impact of coastal lands on human settlement in Iraq is relatively minor compared to other factors. The majority of Iraq's population is concentrated inland, significantly influenced by factors like freshwater resources and agricultural opportunities.

D) Freshwater sources: One of the most critical factors influencing human settlement patterns in Iraq is access to freshwater sources, particularly the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. These rivers have sustained human civilization for thousands of years, enabling irrigation for agriculture and providing drinking water. Settlements, including major cities like Baghdad, have historically developed along these river systems due to their vital role in supporting agricultural livelihoods.

Considering the options mentioned, the factor with the greatest impact on human settlement in Iraq is D) fresh water sources, specifically the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. These water sources have been crucial in facilitating agricultural practices and sustaining human settlements throughout history in the region.