A cookie recipe calls for 2/3 of a cup of flour and makes half a dozen cookies. How many cookies can you make if you have 9 cups of flour and want to use it all?

I came up with an answer of 81 cookies by using a proportion.

2/3 over 6 (because half a dozen cookies is 6 cookies) = 9 over x

Then I cross multiplied and got 2/3x = 54
Divided and got 81 = x

Am I anywhere close?

Thank you.

You hit it on the nose! :-) Right.

Yes, you are on the right track! To solve this problem, you can use a proportion to find out how many cookies you can make using 9 cups of flour.

Let's set up the proportion using the information given:
2/3 cup of flour makes 6 cookies, so we have 2/3 over 6 = 9 over x.

Now let's solve for x:

Cross-multiplying, we get (2/3) * x = 9 * 6.

Multiplying both sides by 3, we get 2x = 54.

Finally, dividing both sides by 2, we find x = 54 / 2 = 27.

So, you can make 27 cookies if you have 9 cups of flour and want to use it all, rather than the 81 you calculated.

Yes, your answer is correct. By setting up the proportion and solving for "x," which represents the number of cookies you can make, you correctly determined that you can make 81 cookies using 9 cups of flour. Well done!