Write the decimals in ascending order.

5.78, 5.08, 5.8, 5.287, 5.078

5.078, 5.08, 5.287, 5.78, 5.8

What is 5.8,5.08, and 5.78 greatest to least?

To write decimals in ascending order, follow these steps:

1. Start by comparing the whole number parts of the decimals. In this case, all the whole number parts are 5, so we move onto the decimal parts.
2. Compare the tenths place of the decimals. The decimal 5.08 has the lowest tenths place value, so it should come first.
3. Next, compare the hundredths place. The decimals 5.078 and 5.287 have the same tenths place value, but the hundredths place in 5.078 is lower, so it should come before 5.287.
4. Finally, compare the other decimals with the same tenths and hundredths place. In this case, 5.8 and 5.78 have the same tenths and hundredths place values, but the thousandths place in 5.78 is higher, so it should come after 5.8.

Therefore, the decimals in ascending order are:
5.08, 5.078, 5.287, 5.8, 5.78

what is more 5.08 or 5.8