A carpenter has two plank of wood. One plank is xcm long, the other plank is 3xcm long. What is the total lenght of the two planks

3xcm + xcm = 4xcm

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A carpenter has two planks of the wood one plank is xcm long and the other plank is 3xcm long. what is the total length of the two planks

3xcm is dope man i got no time for this platform so see you next time


To find the total length of the two planks, we need to add their lengths together.

Let's call the length of the first plank x cm.
And let's call the length of the second plank 3x cm.

The total length is given by: x cm + 3x cm.

To simplify this expression, we can combine like terms. Since both terms have x as a common factor, we can factor out x:

x + 3x = (1 + 3)x

Simplifying further:

(1 + 3)x = 4x

Therefore, the total length of the two planks is 4x cm.