A metal x forms two different chloride.if 12.g of chloride A and 16.3g of chloride B contain 7.1g and 10.7g of chlorine respectively,show that the figure agree with the laws of multiple proportions.write there formulea

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To determine if the given figures agree with the laws of multiple proportions, we need to calculate the ratios of the masses of chlorine in chlorides A and B to the mass of metal X. If these ratios are in simple whole-number proportions, then the figures support the laws of multiple proportions.

Let's calculate the ratios:

1) Chloride A:
Mass of chlorine in chloride A = 7.1g
Mass of chloride A = 12.0g

Ratio of chlorine to metal X in chloride A:
= (Mass of chlorine in chloride A) / (Mass of chloride A)
= 7.1g / 12.0g
≈ 0.592

2) Chloride B:
Mass of chlorine in chloride B = 10.7g
Mass of chloride B = 16.3g

Ratio of chlorine to metal X in chloride B:
= (Mass of chlorine in chloride B) / (Mass of chloride B)
= 10.7g / 16.3g
≈ 0.656

Now, let's compare these ratios:

0.592 ≈ 0.656

Since the ratios are not exactly the same, the figures do not agree with the laws of multiple proportions. However, if the ratios were in simple whole-number proportions (e.g., 1:2, 2:3, etc.), then the figures would support the laws of multiple proportions.

Formulas for the chlorides can be determined based on the ratios of the elements. Let's assume the metal X is represented by the symbol "M".

From the calculated ratios, we can see that the ratio of chlorine to metal X in chloride A is approximately 0.592, and in chloride B it is approximately 0.656.

Based on these ratios, the empirical formulas for chloride A and chloride B can be written as:

Chloride A: MCl₀.₅₉₂
Chloride B: MCl₀.₆₅₆

However, please note that these formulas are only approximate since the ratios are not in simple whole-number proportions.