This step includes recording data, taking photos, and coordinating information.

Make a hypothesis
Make a prediction
Observe the problem***
Define a problem


In order to answer your question, let's break down the steps one by one:

1. Make a hypothesis: This step involves forming a tentative explanation or theory based on previous knowledge or observations. It is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested.

2. Make a prediction: Once a hypothesis is formulated, a prediction is made. A prediction is a statement that suggests a possible outcome or result of an experiment or observation based on the hypothesis.

3. Observe the problem: This step involves carefully and systematically observing the problem or phenomenon that is being investigated. It includes recording data, taking photos, and coordinating information to gather relevant information for analysis.

4. Define a problem: Before you can observe or investigate a problem, it is important to clearly define and understand what the problem is. This involves identifying and stating the issue or question that needs to be addressed. It helps set the groundwork for developing a hypothesis and conducting further research or experiments.

Based on the given options, it seems that the correct step is "Observe the problem." This step includes recording data, taking photos, and coordinating information, which are all key elements of observation and data collection.

So, in summary, the step that includes recording data, taking photos, and coordinating information is the step of observing the problem.