Create an image that complements the concept of a mathematical problem about a system of equations. The image should represent two parallel lines on a coordinate plane, symbolizing the given equations '–3x + 6y = 10' and '–3x + 6y = –4'. Note that the image should not contain any text.

How many solutions does this system have?

–3x + 6y = 10
–3x + 6y = –4


Now how can I be 10 years old and 4 years before birth at once :(

Those are two parallel lines, they never cross.


You can tell the lines are parallel if you solve each equation for y. The number in front of the x is the slope as in y =mx+b

6y =3x + 10 divide by 6 to get m=1/2

second equation 6y = 3x -4 m = 1/2

or you could graph both equations and see that they are parallel.


Well, let me answer that with a little humor! This system seems to be as confused as a squirrel during rush hour. It has parallel lines that will never meet, my friend. So the answer is option A: none. Keep calm and solve on!

To determine the number of solutions for the given system of equations, we need to compare the coefficients of the variables.

We have the system:
-3x + 6y = 10
-3x + 6y = -4

Notice that the coefficients of both x and y are the same in both equations. This means the lines represented by these equations are parallel, and they will never intersect.

Since the lines do not intersect, there are no common points, and the system has no solutions.

Therefore, the answer is A. none.